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  • What should you do to gain weight? How to get better quickly for a girl at home. Muscle or fat

    What should you do to gain weight?  How to get better quickly for a girl at home.  Muscle or fat

    Gaining weight or muscle mass is as difficult for some people as losing extra pounds is for others.

    However, simply supplementing your diet with certain foods will help achieve positive results.

    1. Homemade protein shakes

    Homemade protein smoothies are very nutritious. This is one of the best ways to gain weight quickly.

    It's best to make your own smoothies, since store-bought versions often contain a lot of sugar but not enough nutritional elements. In addition, home cooking will allow you to vary the shades of taste and aroma, as well as diversify the set of different macro and micro elements.

    Here are some delicious recipes. You can add two cups (470 ml) of milk or choose another alternative such as almond milk.

    • Chocolate banana shake with nut flavor: Take 1 banana, 1 scoop of chocolate-flavored protein whey, and 1 teaspoon (15 ml) peanut or other nut butter.
    • Vanilla-berry shake: Combine 1 cup (237 ml) fresh or frozen berries, ice, 1 cup (237 ml) high protein natural yogurt and 1 serving vanilla flavored whey protein.
    • Chocolate and nut shake: Take 15 oz (444 ml) chocolate milk, 1 scoop chocolate-flavored protein whey, 1 teaspoon (15 ml) hazelnut butter and 1 avocado.
    • Caramel Apple Shake: Combine 1 sliced ​​apple, 1 cup (237 ml) plain yogurt, 1 serving caramel or vanilla whey protein, and 1 teaspoon (15 ml) caramel sauce or sugar-free flavoring.
    • Vanilla blueberry shake: The next cocktail is prepared under similar conditions. Combine 1 cup (237 ml) fresh or frozen blueberries, 1 serving vanilla flavored whey protein, 1 cup (237 ml) vanilla yogurt. Add sweetener if desired.
    • Super green shake: Combine 1 cup (237 ml) spinach, 1 avocado, 1 banana, 1 cup (237 ml) crushed pineapple and 1 serving vanilla flavored or unflavored whey protein.

    All of these shakes contain 400-600 calories, as well as plenty of protein and other vitamins and minerals.

    There are many recipes for making delicious aromatic cocktails. Try to avoid commercial versions, which are high in sugar and low in nutrients.

    2. Milk

    Be sure to drink milk. It will help you recover faster and supply the body with calcium.

    Milk provides the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In addition, it is a good source of vitamins, calcium and other minerals.

    For those looking to build muscle, milk is an excellent protein resource, providing casein and whey protein. Research shows that when combined with the right exercise and training program, milk helps you gain weight.

    In addition, experiments have shown that milk or a combination of casein with whey protein can increase weight more effectively than many other protein sources.

    Try drinking one or two glasses throughout the day, with meals, and before or after exercise if you exercise.

    Milk is a good source of proteins. It contains casein and whey protein.

    3. Rice

    Rice is a good source of nutrients that is low in carbohydrates. It is great for helping you gain weight. Just 1 cup (165 grams) of cooked rice contains 190 calories, 43 grams of carbohydrates and very little fat.

    In addition, this is a very high-calorie product that is perfect for gaining weight. That is, you can get a large amount of carbohydrates and calories in one serving. This helps you eat more food, especially if you have a poor appetite or get full quickly.

    If you're on the go or in a hurry, microwaved rice can be added to other sources of protein.

    Another good way is to cook a large container of rice for the week and combine this dish with other healthy foods containing proteins and fats.

    However, eating extremely large amounts of rice is not a wise decision due to the potential arsenic and phytic acid content. Arsenic acid can cause the deposition of heavy metals in the body, and phytic acid reduces the quality of absorption of zinc and iron.

    Rice is an excellent source of carbohydrates that is easy to eat and digest. However, some types of rice contain a lot of arsenic acid.

    4. Nuts and nut butters

    Nuts and nut butters are an excellent choice if you are trying to gain weight.

    Just a small handful of almonds contains more than seven grams of protein and 18 grams of healthy fats.

    Since this product is very high in calories, it is enough to eat only two handfuls per day. This will allow you to get a lot of calories.

    You can also diversify your diet with nut butter by adding it to smoothies, yogurts and all kinds of dishes.

    But make sure to choose a 100% nut butter that contains two or three ingredients, no sugar or extra oil.

    Nuts and nut butters are very tasty and high in calories. They are a great addition to any menu.

    5. Red meat

    Red meat is probably one of the best muscle-building foods available.

    For example, steak contains about 3 grams of leucine per 6 ounces (170 g). Leucine is a key amino acid that the body needs to stimulate protein synthesis and muscle gain.

    In addition, red meat is one of the best sources of dietary creatine, which can rightfully be called the world's best dietary supplement for muscle building.

    This product is also much higher in calories and contains more fat than lean meat. This helps you consume extra calories and gain weight.

    One study was conducted in which 100 women took part. They supplemented their diet with 6 ounces (170 g) of red meat and performed strength training 6 days a week for 6 weeks.

    As a result, they were able to gain weight, increase strength by 18%, and increase the level of the hormone IGF-1, which is involved in building muscles.

    Both lean and fatty meats are an excellent source of protein. However, fatty meat provides more calories, which helps you gain weight.

    Red meat is an excellent source of protein, which helps you gain muscle mass. It contains leucine, an amino acid that stimulates protein synthesis in muscles. This meat is fattier and higher in calories.

    6. Potatoes and starch

    Potatoes and other starchy foods are another good source of calories.

    Try supplementing your diet with these healthy sources of carbohydrates:

    • Quinoya;
    • Cereals;
    • Corn;
    • Buckwheat grain;
    • Potatoes and sweet potatoes (bagat);
    • Pumpkin;
    • Winter root vegetables;
    • Beans and green peas.

    Moreover, this will not only help you diversify your diet for weight gain, but also increase your glycogen reserves.

    Glycogen is the predominant fuel resource for many sports activities.

    Many of these carbohydrate sources also contain nutrients and fiber, as well as resistant starch, which provides nutrition for beneficial gut bacteria.

    Healthy, starchy foods are a great way to get calories and fiber, increase your calorie intake, and increase your glycogen stores.

    7. Salmon and oily fish

    Like red meat, salmon and fatty fish are considered excellent sources of protein and fat.

    Of all the nutrients these foods contain, omega-3 fatty acids are among the most important and well-known.

    Polyunsaturated fatty acids are very beneficial for the heart and cardiac system, brain and improve metabolism, allowing you to maintain health and fight various diseases.

    Just 6 ounces of salmon fillet provides about 350 calories and 4 grams of omega-3s, as well as 34 grams of quality protein to help you gain muscle quickly.

    Salmon and other fatty fish are excellent sources of healthy omega-3 acids. In addition, these products contain a lot of protein, which is the main building block for muscles.

    8. Protein food supplements

    Protein supplementation is a common strategy used by athletes and bodybuilders who are looking to increase muscle mass.

    Special serums containing proteins help you gain weight easily and effectively, especially when combined with strength training.

    Some people believe that this kind of protein is unhealthy and unnatural, but this is not true. Whey is made from dairy products. In addition, it helps reduce the risk of many diseases and improve health.

    Whey protein is an extremely important product, especially if you exercise, as your daily protein requirement increases. Just like meat or other animal products, the protein supplement contains all the essential amino acids to help stimulate muscle growth.

    You can consume protein before or after exercise, or at any other time during the day.

    Protein supplements are a simple and affordable way to increase your protein intake.

    9. Dried fruits

    Dried fruits are a high-calorie product that also contains antioxidants and microelements.

    There are many varieties of dry fruits.

    Since they contain a lot of sugar, they are not suitable for those people who want to get rid of extra pounds.

    However, this is an excellent snack for those who want to gain weight. Dry fruits have excellent taste and are easily digestible.

    Many people believe that fruits lose their beneficial elements after drying, however, this is not the case. They contain a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals.

    Try combining dried fruits with protein sources such as meat or whey. Plus, they pair perfectly with nuts and natural yogurt, providing healthy fats, proteins and other important vitamins and minerals.

    Dried fruits are high in calories, fiber and antioxidants. This is a great way to get additional microelements.

    10. Bran bread

    Bran bread is another good source of carbohydrates to help you gain extra pounds.

    Try combining bread with protein sources such as eggs, meat and cheese. This means eating a balanced diet, providing the body with all the necessary nutrients.

    When buying bread, give preference to natural bread with grains. One of the best is Ezekiel bread, which is available in many stores.

    Bran bread is very effective for weight gain, especially when combined with good sources of protein.

    11. Avocado

    Avocados contain a lot of fat.

    Unlike many fruits, avocados are very high in calories. This is an excellent fruit that allows you to quickly establish a high-calorie diet for weight gain due to the large amount of healthy fats it contains.

    One large fruit (200 g) provides 322 calories, 29 g fat and 17 g fiber.

    In addition, they are very rich in vitamins, minerals and various nutritional compounds.

    Try adding avocados to different dishes, such as omelettes or sandwiches.

    Avocados contain many healthy fats. These fruits go well with various dishes or are eaten separately.

    12. Useful cereals

    Healthy grains are considered an excellent source of carbohydrates, calories and all kinds of nutrients.

    However, try to give preference to healthy types, such as oatmeal. Eliminate processed grains that contain a lot of sugar from your diet.

    When shopping for grains, focus on healthy options:

    • Oatmeal;
    • Granola;
    • Multigrains;
    • Bran;
    • Ezekiel (bread).

    Be sure to check the label and try to avoid refined grains with added sugar.

    Eating grains can increase body weight. In addition, they contain fiber. Try to choose healthy grains, such as oatmeal.

    13. Cereal tiles

    Some healthy cereal bars make excellent snacks when you're on the go.

    They are also an excellent choice if you need a pre- or post-workout snack, as they contain a variety of carbohydrates.

    As with cereals, try to choose healthy products with whole grains. Plus, you can find bars that contain other healthy ingredients, such as dried fruits, nuts or seeds.

    If you are using these bars as a snack, try combining them with other protein sources such as yogurt, boiled eggs, sliced ​​meat or a protein shake.

    Opt for healthy cereal bars made from whole grains and other healthy ingredients such as dried fruits and nuts.

    14. Black chocolate

    Quality dark chocolate provides many antioxidants and other beneficial elements.

    Like other foods with a high concentration of fat, chocolate is very high in calories. This means that even a small amount provides a lot of calories.

    A 100g (3.5oz) chocolate bar provides about 600 calories. In addition, it contains many beneficial microelements and other substances, such as fiber, magnesium and antioxidants.

    Dark chocolate contains antioxidants and is also very high in calories and delicious.

    15. Cheese

    Cheese has been a staple for centuries.

    Like dark chocolate, it is high in calories and fat. If you consume it in large quantities, it is also a good source of protein.

    Since cheese has excellent taste, you can add it when preparing various dishes or eat it separately.

    Cheese is an excellent source of protein and fat. Add it to various dishes to improve taste and get more calories.

    16. Eggs

    Eggs are one of the healthiest foods for building muscle mass. They provide an excellent combination of various vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats.

    In addition, it is important to eat a whole egg, discarding all prejudices inspired by old myths and the likelihood of problems with the cardiovascular system.

    In fact, almost all the nutritional elements are contained in the yolk.

    If you do not have an individual intolerance to this product, there is no need to eliminate it from your diet. You can easily eat three eggs a day.

    In fact, many athletes and bodybuilders eat 6 eggs a day.

    Eggs are one of the best foods that provide the necessary nutrients for gaining muscle mass. There is no need to limit them.

    17. Full fat yogurt

    Full-fat yogurt is another great source of micro and macro elements. It provides a balanced combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

    There are numerous recipes for preparing delicious dishes, one of the main ingredients of which is yogurt. Here are just a few of them:

    • Yogurt with fruit: Mix two cups of yogurt with fresh or dried fruit. You can also add nuts, seeds, honey, granola or coconut.
    • Chocolate Hazelnut Pudding: Take two cups of yogurt, cocoa powder, nut or peanut butter and sweetener. You can also add a serving of protein whey.
    • Dessert with yogurt: Two cups of yogurt, granola and berries. This is a great nutritious breakfast or light snack.
    • Cocktails: Yogurt is also a great addition to any smoothie. This will increase the protein level and make the shake more creamy.

    Full-fat yogurt is an excellent ingredient that will enrich the flavor palette and add extra calories and protein. It tastes great on its own. But it also goes well with various ingredients, which allows you to prepare new delicious dishes.

    18. Healthy fats and oils

    Healthy fats and oils are the most calorie-dense foods on the planet.

    Simply adding a teaspoon (15 ml) of oil to sauces, salads or when cooking various dishes will provide 135 additional calories. In addition, thanks to these oils, any food acquires a wonderful flavor.

    Try to avoid processed butter. Opt for products such as olive oil, avocado oil or coconut oil.

    It is important to include healthy fats and oils in your diet. Especially for those who are trying to gain weight. Eliminate refined oils. Choose olive, coconut or avocado oil.

    The main secret of success

    The main secret to gaining weight is to consume more calories than the body burns in a day. If you get less energy from food than you expend in a day, you will not be able to gain a single kilogram of body weight.

    It's also important to do strength training so that the calories are used to build muscle rather than gain fat. It doesn’t matter whether it’s training at home or visiting the gym, try to choose an effective complex.

    (37 ratings, average: 4.57 out of 5)

    How to gain 5 kg in a week at home without disrupting your metabolism and staying in good shape? The answer to this question will be different depending on the gender and age of the person and the goal of gaining weight.

    The need to quickly gain a couple of kilograms is relevant for young people involved in fitness and wanting to give their body volume.

    Natural thinness and fast metabolism, characteristic of a young body.

    The main ways to gain weight:

    1. Increase the total calorie content of your daily diet. Weight gain will give a menu with a total calorie content of 4000-5000 kcal. If such a volume is difficult to digest in 3-4 meals, use a fractional nutrition system, where meals are separated by no more than 2 hours.
    2. Strictly follow the diet. Have a hearty and hot breakfast with porridge made with milk and added butter to increase nutritional value. Lunch should include 3 dishes, one of which is hot soup (preferably not a semi-finished product). A full dinner is recommended at 6 pm, and 2 hours before bedtime there is another meal, which includes protein foods (eggs, cottage cheese, etc.).
    3. More than half of your diet should be carbohydrates. immediately go to the formation of adipose tissue (sucrose, glucose and fructose). Complex ones can be obtained from flour products, cereals, and beans. They are high in calories and quickly give you a feeling of fullness.
    4. Eat plenty of protein(20% of all nutrients received). The main sources are meat (any kind), cheeses, fish, eggs and peas.
    5. Don’t forget about fats, they increase the digestibility of proteins. Various oils, lard and nuts are suitable.

    Important! The daily water consumption rate should be at least 2 liters. Water from foods is also taken into account, but it is better to count only the water you drink (tea and coffee too).

    How to gain 5 kg for a skinny girl

    For girls who want to gain weight, all the above principles are relevant, but the characteristics of the female body make their own adjustments:

    1. Hormones play an important role in weight gain, the level of which in the female body is constantly changing. If weight is not gained under any conditions, the endocrine system should be checked.
    2. Constant stress, worries and nervousness will not allow a woman to recover. For stable and rapid weight gain, emotional stability and focus on results are important.

    How to quickly gain weight by 10 kg in a week for a man

    In addition to a properly formulated diet, men who have problems gaining weight should pay attention to steroid medications.

    But they are accepted only in case of emergency. To gain weight at home, it is enough to follow a high-calorie diet, stable sleep, and avoidance of stressful situations.

    Important! The use of any medications is permitted only after consultation with a doctor.

    You can buy this anabolic steroid freely, the average cost of one ampoule is 280 rubles.

    The result is achieved through a course of injections.

    Effects of use:

    • uniform increase in muscle mass;
    • increasing bone density and, as a result, strengthening the skeleton;
    • improvement of blood saturation (oxygen saturation) indicators;
    • reduction of pain after heavy training.

    The main advantage of this drug is its mild effect on the body. The active substance (nandrolone decanoate) is found in the body of any person, the drug increases its content.

    This is the most popular drug for athletes. It is produced in the form of tablets.

    The drug allows you to achieve tremendous results during the course, but has a number of serious disadvantages:

    • the results achieved while taking the drug are not fully maintained after stopping its use;
    • retention of a large amount of excess water in the body;
    • the risk of disruption of the endocrine system and increased production of female hormones.

    However, this anabolic remains a leader among due to its high efficiency.

    How to get fat quickly for a teenager

    To achieve results, it is necessary to find out the reason why it is difficult for a teenager to gain the necessary kilograms.

    The main factors are:

    • low-calorie diet;
    • disruption of hormone production;
    • smoking, because it reduces the production of the satiety hormone (leptin), so you want to eat less.

    Often, giving up bad habits and regular sleep solve the problem of weight gain.

    Caloric intake of a teenager's diet for weight gain

    At the age of 14-17 years, the average daily energy value is 3000 kcal for boys and 2600 kcal for girls. increase these figures by 1000 kcal per day.

    Physical exercise

    You can gain weight by starting to work out in a fitness club. It is better to conduct the first classes with a personal trainer to avoid injuries and understand the correct technique for performing the exercises.

    Scientists and professional athletes have determined the amount of nutrients and a list of products, the use of which helps to gain weight in the shortest possible time.

    The main material for building muscle mass is protein. Daily consumption is calculated using the formula: 1 kg of weight = 1 g of protein. The richest in protein are eggs, chicken and cottage cheese.

    Carbohydrates help you gain fat mass. These include pasta, various cereals and root vegetables. The daily consumption rate is at least 400 g.

    Fats are a means of extremely rapid weight gain. Depending on age, the consumption rate will vary. Up to 28 years old, the daily norm is about 160 g, up to 40 years old – 150 g.

    After 40 years, fats are considered especially harmful , their quantity should be sharply reduced (no more than 70 g per day).

    Attention! Do not consume (butter, mayonnaise sauces). These foods increase cholesterol levels in the blood, which leads to the formation of plaques in blood vessels and obstruction of blood flow.

    How to quickly gain weight 5 kg in a week at home: diet

    The meal plan for gaining 5 kg in a week is as follows:

    1. Mandatory breakfast of hearty porridge with milk with a fat content of 3.2% or higher.
    2. The basis of the daily diet is slow proteins (beans, buckwheat, rice) and (grapes, tomatoes, beans).
    3. Before going to bed, you need to have a snack with cottage cheese (you need to eat at least 90 g).

    It is important to follow the rules. Before classes, they consume complex carbohydrates, during the training process it is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of water (you can add glucose to it), and immediately after classes they again consume complex carbohydrates.

    How to gain weight quickly at home using sports supplements

    Sports supplements are not only used by professional athletes. They are often prescribed for medical reasons for weight gain.


    Among sports supplements for home use, protein is the main product. You can purchase it in sports stores and special points of sale of sports nutrition. Protein consumption must be combined with regular exercise in the gym, otherwise the supplement will not produce results.

    Isolate is purified and concentrated protein. The hydrolyzate is somewhat lower in quality, but much more profitable in price.


    Gainer is a complex of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. The exact composition will vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. The effectiveness for a particular person is determined by contacting a nutritionist.

    Amino acids

    Amino acid complexes are used in addition to protein and gainers to get maximum effect. The introduction of complexes into a sports diet helps the body recover faster after exercise.

    Important! The amount of supplements taken and the dosage schedule are individual for each person. The result obtained directly depends on determination and the amount of time allocated to sports. All supplements work only with regular physical activity.


    Gaining weight by 5 kg at home is a task within the reach of everyone. But in order for it to be muscle mass, and not just fat, you need to eat right and exercise. You should take medications and sports nutrition only after consulting a doctor.

    Not all representatives of the fair sex dream of losing weight. There are many girls who want to become more feminine, and to achieve this goal they must gain weight. Excessive thinness can cause self-doubt and even lead to deterioration in health. And if for those who want to become slimmer, gaining a couple of kilograms and no more is not a problem, which becomes the main reason for excess weight, then such a “luxury” is often not available to those suffering from excessive thinness. To gain appetizing shapes, they must try no less than those losing weight.

    Achieving your goal involves developing a clear action plan that will allow you to quickly gain the desired weight. It comes down to three fundamental points:

    • changing eating habits;
    • regular strength training;
    • revising your lifestyle.

    Each requires detailed consideration, clear perception, and application to daily routine. Otherwise, the weight will either remain unchanged or, conversely, begin to decrease.

    What lifestyle contributes to weight gain?

    Stressful situations and constant depressed mood in naturally thin people are accompanied by the loss of kilograms. Constantly being in a good mood and positive emotions, on the contrary, will help the body quickly adapt and readjust to the fact that you need to gain weight, and not spend existing and incoming energy sources.

    No bad habits. Neither large nor small doses of alcohol provide any health benefits. Smoking not only has a detrimental effect on the body, but also speeds up the metabolism. By giving up smoking, gaining the desired kilograms will become much easier. All this is true only when activities that consume excess energy are eliminated.

    The latter means that you should refrain from any aerobic exercise. Dancing, running, swimming, aerobics, exercise on bicycle and elliptical trainers require energy expenditure, but have virtually no effect on the growth of muscle tissue, and, therefore, lead to an even greater decrease in volume.

    You definitely need to believe in your own strength and success. Having a clear idea that the goal will be achieved is motivating. Otherwise, no results will be achieved. Another important point that should not be misleading is that, of course, it will not be possible to build a beautiful body in one month. It takes a lot more time, but every change that occurs will bring an incredible sense of satisfaction and make you work further.

    The pounds you gain represent both fat and muscle tissue. And if you don’t get rid of the former, the result will not be rounded feminine outlines, but folds that will in no way add attractiveness to the figure. This can be avoided by strength training aimed at increasing mass primarily through muscles.

    Energy consumption for an hour of strength exercises ranges from 350 to 450 kilocalories, which will not allow weight loss, but will give a significant impetus to the growth of muscle tissue. It is the part of the body that is being worked that will increase in volume. Thus, you can easily adjust your silhouette and the most problematic areas by pumping up your buttocks, abs, calves, and so on. The main thing is to choose the right exercises.

    Nutrition is the basis for weight gain

    Without changing your diet, it is impossible to make any progress in weight gain. Weight gain occurs in the body when nutrients are supplied in excess. The surplus is spent on:

    • building muscle tissue during strength training;
    • support of glycogen and fat depots, which are energy reserves.

    Fat deposits, that is, unwanted folds, appear only when nutrition is uncontrolled and vigorous activity is reduced to a minimum. This necessitates the need to perform strength exercises.

    You need to consume more calories than you burn during the day. If they are smaller, it is simply impossible to achieve any progress in gaining weight - neither muscle nor fat will increase.

    Finding the balance point allows you to answer this question - this is an indicator of when the weight remains stable, that is, a person neither gets better nor loses weight. To do this, you need to weigh yourself and eat as usual for a week, counting your daily calorie intake.

    Sudden jumps should not be allowed. You need to eat within the same calorie limit every day. You should not deny yourself anything. You just need to strictly count calories, including both main meals and snacks.

    After seven days, re-weighing must be repeated. Better at the same time as the first. If the weight has not changed, then the average calorie intake for the week is the equilibrium point at which body weight remains unchanged.

    Girls are recommended to gain 500 g per week, that is, approximately 2 kg per month. For some, the figure, depending on individual characteristics, will be a little lower. However, the total increase over 30 days should be between 1 and 2 kg. And if you stick to this course, then over time you will gain the desired weight.

    An increase of half a kilo provides an increase in calorie intake. There are no exact recommendations here. For some girls, it is enough to introduce 400 kilocalories into their diet, while for others, even 500 kilocalories is not enough. Finding the exact number can only be done experimentally.

    During the first week of starting a “weight gain program,” caloric intake should be increased from the equilibrium point by a minimum of 300 kilocalories. If there is no increase or it is less than 500 g, you should slightly increase the daily caloric intake and so on until the required increase is achieved.

    What should the diet be like?

    Calories represent the energy expended by the body both to maintain vital functions and systems, and to carry out any physical activity that a person performs. It comes exclusively from the food consumed. The source of energy can be any basic nutrient - protein, fat, carbohydrate.

    For 1 gram of proteins and carbohydrates there are 4 kcal, and fat - 9 kcal. Therefore, it does not matter what kind of food you eat to gain weight. The main thing is how many calories the body receives along with it. This allows you to eat as balanced as possible and not deny yourself various tasty things, which are mostly carbohydrates.

    Principles of weight gain - BZHU ratio

    A girl who wants to gain weight, but gain kilograms mainly from muscle tissue rather than fat deposits, should correctly distribute nutrients in her diet.


    Training increases the need for protein, but the amount per kilogram of body weight varies from 1 to 2 g per day. Recommendations from sports nutrition manufacturers are a little higher, but they are often driven by the desire to sell a rather expensive nutrient, which is protein.

    Its excess is converted into glucose when energy is needed, or excreted when it is not needed. Girls should take an average number equal to 1.5 g per 1 kg of their own body weight. This amount is enough not only to replenish energy costs, but also to build muscle fibers. And if your weight is 50 kg, you need to consume 75 g of protein per day.


    The body needs essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. If they are excluded from the diet, it leads to health problems. Fears about fats are largely unfounded. Fats contain a large number of calories, which quickly and satiate well. The main thing is to adhere to the daily norm of 20-30% of the total diet. If the daily caloric intake is 1500 kcal, then fats should account for approximately 375 kcal (25%), that is, 42 g (375/9).


    They represent the cleanest source of energy. Having calculated the amount of protein and fat, the rest of the diet can be safely filled with both slow and fast carbohydrates. The main thing is to stay within calorie limits.

    Approximate daily diet

    If you consume 1500 kcal per day, and the initial weight is 50 kg, then the nutrients may account for the following ratio:

    • Protein: 75 g per day x4 = 300 kcal
    • Fats: 44 g per day x9 = 400 kcal
    • Carbohydrates: 1600 – 700 = 900 kcal/4 = 225 g per day

    Based on this calculation, you can easily calculate your daily caloric intake.

    Nutrient distribution is not the only principle that should be followed when creating a menu for weight gain. It is necessary to drink a large amount of liquid, but not only water, but tea, compote, juice, and so on. Liquid is directly involved in all processes occurring in the body. The main indicator of sufficient moisture is the absence of the feeling of thirst.

    You should definitely take vitamins. It is better to give preference to sports ones. If this is not possible, pharmacies will do. The cost for them is different, but it is formed not due to the difference in quality, if the composition is similar, but is determined by the brand. You should carefully study the list and dosages of minerals and vitamins included in the complex.

    The diet should include vegetables. They are a valuable source of minerals, vitamins and fiber. Their amount from the daily menu should not exceed 30%. They may not be included in the total caloric intake. The main thing is not to replace the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins necessary for weight gain with vegetables.

    The number of meals should be determined based on your own feelings of hunger. You can eat three to six times a day, and make up for missed meals with larger portions. Weight increases not due to frequent snacking, but due to increased caloric intake.


    If you eat right and do strength training, your body will soon acquire beautiful feminine shapes.

    Not many people dream of increasing their weight. There are many more who are trying to get rid of it. However, being too thin is sometimes more ugly and unattractive than being too fat. Angular and bony guys and girls would give a lot for the opportunity to have a round, dense body and not be known as herrings and scabs. And, of course, they are concerned about the question, how to gain weight to get rid of ridicule and feelings of inferiority. Nutritionists believe that it is more difficult for thin people to increase body weight than for their counterparts to lose the same amount. In both cases, weight change occurs under the influence of two factors: nutrition and physical activity.

    Thin and delicate people, as a rule, eat a lot, but do not gain weight. The absorbed food goes into them, like into a black hole - muscles do not grow, subcutaneous fat does not appear. You can eat it at McDonald's even every day - but you will gain the coveted kilograms. If all a person’s attempts to increase the size of his body have not been successful, it’s time to turn to.

    Perhaps thinness is a consequence of the disease:

    • First of all, you need to check the functioning of the hormonal system, the function of the thyroid gland. With its hyperfunction, the metabolism becomes energy-consuming, the lion's share of which is spent by the body on internal problems. A situation arises: the more a person eats, the more energy is spent on digesting it. It will not be possible to gain weight quickly in such a situation.
    • Gastrointestinal diseases almost always cause increased thinness: these are worms, which get most of our diet; gastritis, colitis, in which food is poorly digested and absorbed.
    • Under stress and strong feelings, the body functions in a mode of increased readiness to deal with troubles. Maintaining such a state requires large energy expenditures; gaining additional body weight becomes an impossible problem.
    • Thinness in adolescence is a consequence of the rapid development of the body, when the increase in muscle mass lags behind the growth of bones and internal organs. The teenager does not get better, does not mature, and begins to complain about this.

    The first rule for everyone who wants to increase weight is to establish the cause of negative changes in your figure, to find out what is preventing you from gaining (or losing) the notorious kilograms.

    Expert opinion

    Egorova Natalya Sergeevna
    Dietitian, Nizhny Novgorod

    The author wrote very correctly about diseases that can lead to excessive thinness. The cause of low body weight is very often helminthic infestations and gastrointestinal diseases, in which the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients is disrupted. As a result, the body does not receive vital nutrients, vitamins and minerals. This leads to weight loss.

    I would also like to add that in old age, sudden weight loss can be caused by oncological pathology (cancer).

    But even if you are young, be vigilant. Especially if you have always had normal body weight, and then you suddenly lose weight. Such weight loss may indicate serious health problems. Therefore, in such cases it is necessary to undergo a full examination.

    But if you have always been thin/thin, there is no need to panic and run to the hospital in horror. Most likely, you just have such a constitution. In this case, the tips given in this article will be very useful to you. And you can gain the treasured kilograms if you follow them. But before that, still consult a nutritionist. Advice from a professional will definitely not be superfluous.

    Ways to increase body weight

    For thin people, absolutely healthy, who simply want to gain weight and become more attractive, there are some useful tips on how to gain weight at home, without the help of doctors and medications.

    These methods include:

    • balanced in terms of nutrition and nutrition aimed at gaining weight;
    • drugs and vitamin supplements for weight gain;
    • elements of high-calorie sports nutrition.

    Proper nutrition

    Proper nutrition is based on a healthy lifestyle, when bad habits do not disrupt metabolism, and physical activity, on the contrary, speeds it up.

    Practical advice: Breakfast is the main moment of nutrition; the body’s daily metabolism starts. Ectomorphs and asthenics (people prone to thinness) can eat sweet foods, high-calorie rolls, chocolates and candies for breakfast.

    But the ideal breakfast menu for those who want to gain weight would be something like this:

    • Porridge – oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley, rice.
    • Tea with honey or coffee with cream.
    • Sweet pastries.

    After a couple of hours, you need to make a second breakfast: a snack of kefir or yogurt with a sandwich.

    Lunch, as a rule, consists of 3 courses; basically, this is the time of predominantly consuming protein foods with side dishes of potatoes, vegetables or cereals.

    Note. When gaining weight, it’s good to… fast. Yes Yes. Arrange a fasting mono-diet for one day several times a month (apple, cucumber, kefir or buckwheat). The diet will put stress on the body; it will begin to put aside reserves for a “rainy day” that will help round out the figure.

    For dinner, even for thin people, sweets and high-calorie foods are prohibited. You can’t tease your body, which is preparing for rest, with carbohydrate foods. It instantly turns into unnecessary energy at night. For some people this energy becomes fat, for others it brings insomnia. In any case, the metabolism is upset. Eggs, cottage cheese, a glass of kefir are a worthy end to the daily diet.

    What foods will help you gain weight?

    Gaining weight requires more than just high-calorie foods. We must not forget about vitamins and minerals - without them, metabolism is impossible. Sweets and baked goods can deposit a couple of kilograms of fat on the stomach or waist, but sweet food will not create the sculpted muscle mass that all guys dream of.

    To do this, you need protein foods and foods with slow carbohydrates:

    • Eggs - contain protein that is optimal for absorption, vitamins A, and folic acid.
    • Milk porridge is the best energy drink for the first half of the day.
    • Meat (chicken, turkey, beef) - supplies the body with amino acids for muscle growth. Meat is a source of iron and vitamin B12, without them hemoglobin in the blood decreases and anemia develops. A person loses energy, weight, melts before our eyes.
    • Pasta has a high carbohydrate content, their consumption is very useful for asthenics and ectomorphs, in whom energy quickly evaporates. Navy pasta is doubly useful: as a source of protein and energy.

    Diet for weight gain

    To get better in a short time, you need to have a properly composed diet, in which foods are balanced in energy value, vitamins, minerals, and dietary supplements.

    Sample menu for 1 day

    How to gain weight for an ectomorphic man

    Many guys and young men of asthenic build (tall, thin with long limbs, with poorly developed muscles) pin their hopes on bodybuilding. And they are absolutely right: strength training combined with proper nutrition can transform the puny figure of an ectomorph. Sculpted muscles appear on the arms, the muscles of the back and chest grow, and the coveted abs appear on the stomach. No one would call the owner of such a figure shabby.

    Successful exercise in the gym should be supported by proper sports nutrition and regimen:

    • High calorie food; frequent appointments;
    • Regular consumption of proteins and gainers;
    • Drink plenty of fluids, especially during training;
    • Sleep should occupy 1/3 of the daily time

    The effect of brewer's yeast on weight gain

    Brewer's yeast is a source of B vitamins, which together participate in various metabolic processes. By themselves, they have no calories, they do not contain proteins, fats, or carbohydrates.

    Please note: Yeast promotes the fat burning process. In their presence, proteins are digested faster and absorbed into the blood, therefore, muscle tissue is built and weight is gained faster.

    Brewer's yeast can be bought in different forms: tablets, powder, flakes, you can simply add it to food, mix it into protein shakes, or gainers. But you should not mix brewer's yeast and beer. Alcoholic beer will cause negative weight gain: beer belly and female obesity.

    Types of protein

    A dietary supplement made from protein – pure protein – should definitely be used by people who experience increased stress on the body, spend a lot of energy, do physical work – and at the same time want to gain weight or at least maintain the same. Combining protein with strength training is a way to gain muscle mass. Athletes use it daily, and those who want to improve their figure should definitely add this supplement to their diet. The best way to consume protein is in shakes. In this form, it is absorbed almost without loss, it is convenient to take in any situation. You can purchase different types of protein, but which one is best for a particular case will have to be found out with a nutritionist.

    There are the following types of sports cocktails:

    • Whey protein.
    • Casein.
    • Soy protein.
    • Protein from egg whites.
    • Protein isolates, etc.

    The problem of a woman's weight during pregnancy

    Typically, women do not have problems with weight gain during pregnancy. During this time, her body adapts to feeding the fetus, and her body weight normally increases by a couple of tens of kilograms. But if the expectant mother does not gain weight well, the baby risks being born premature and weak. So, once pregnant, a woman simply must eat well to ensure a healthy and normal body for her child. The diet should contain all the necessary nutrients of a healthy diet, and if they are lacking, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

    Nutrition rules for expectant mothers:

    • Complete food rich in vitamins and minerals.
    • Sufficient oxygen supply - frequent walks in the fresh air.
    • Introduction of infant formula into the diet.

    During lactation

    Sometimes, after giving birth to a child, a woman begins to rapidly lose weight. Health problems during pregnancy and childbirth, breastfeeding, overexertion, fatigue and stress have an impact. First of all, you need to try to establish a diet and rest regime, attract relatives to help and care for the baby in order to be able to fully rest. The absence of menstruation, which provokes insufficient weight, should cause alarm.

    To find out what the reason is, you will have to examine:

    • Check the stomach;
    • Get tested for intestinal pathologies;
    • Eliminate the influence of endocrine diseases.

    Video about how to eat better to have a normal weight:

    How to gain weight after childbirth

    Firstly, you should not strive to change your figure super quickly. You need to get back into shape gradually, since sudden jumps and changes in diet and physical activity can lead to long-term metabolic failure. And then, instead of an ideal figure, you will get a bunch of intractable problems.

    Important! It is physiologically impossible to quickly increase muscle tissue, so rapid weight gain will only lead to fat gain.

    In the future, such experiments can trigger the mechanism of obesity, which is very difficult to rebuild. Therefore, the main rule for those who want to quickly gain weight is a balanced, moderate diet. Harmonious physical activity, patience and good mood. And the timing will be determined by the body itself, gradually restoring health and normal weight.

    Nowadays everyone just talks about health, fitness, training and other pp-things. Every second person is obsessed with the questions: “How to lose weight?”, “What diet should I go on?”, “What exercises will help me lose weight?” and further down the list.

    But there is another side to the coin, and no less important. This is a weight gain problem. And often gaining weight can be even more difficult than losing weight. Let's figure out how this phenomenon arises, what consequences it brings and how to deal with it.

    IMPORTANT! The recommendations in this article are aimed at people who do not have diseases that a priori prevent them from gaining weight. Before taking action, consult a doctor and check your body for the presence or absence of such.

    1. Identify root causes

    1. Lack of calories. Insufficient amount of calories consumed in the daily diet, as well as the quality of food consumed are the most common causes of low weight. Remember: to gain weight, you need to consume more calories than your body spends daily, but in moderation.
    2. Body structure (heredity). If you have hereditary thinness, your metabolism may be low, but you may not gain weight (as with an accelerated metabolism). In this case, gaining weight will not be easy, but it is still possible. The decision will need to be approached comprehensively - carefully read the recommendations below!
    3. Accelerated Metabolism. Those who have an accelerated metabolism burn calories quickly and do not gain weight. It is necessary to compensate for the lack of weight in the same way as in the case of heredity - comprehensively.
    4. Nervous disorders. Constant stress can make it difficult to gain weight due to a lack of appetite, preventing the body from storing nutrients and gaining the required number of calories in the daily diet. Here you must first deal with stress, and then compensate for its absence with the right calories in the right quantities.

    2. Identify the problem in time to avoid consequences

    From a scientific point of view, being underweight is no less dangerous than being overweight. Here's what he threatens:

    1. Weak immunity
    2. Lack of vitamins
    3. General body fatigue
    4. Muscle tissue atrophy
    5. Reduction of bone mass
    6. Thin and brittle hair, dry skin
    7. Increased risk of kidney disease and anemia
    8. Problems with fertility (fertility) and menstruation in women

    And this is not the entire list.

    To prevent these consequences and gain weight that is not enough for healthy functioning, you must adhere to the recommendations described below.

    But first, find out if you are definitely underweight. For this calculate your BMI (body mass index) by dividing your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters.

    Lower threshold BMI = 18.5

    That is, if your BMI is equal to or higher than this value, then you do not need to gain weight, and this article will only remind you how not to lose this weight.

    For example, if your height = 165 cm and weight = 45 kg, then BMI = 16.5

    This means that you are underweight and the following weight gain tips will be very helpful for you.

    Again, we remind you that before taking any steps to gain weight, you need to consult a doctor. Lack of weight may be associated with the presence of various types of diseases of the body (oncology, diabetes mellitus, various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.), which must be treated first.

    The recommendations below may not help if you ignore the root cause of underweight. If no health problems are discovered, feel free to proceed to reading and applying further recommendations.

    2. Increase your calorie intake (healthy calories!)

    The most important thing if you want to get better is proper nutrition, namely: established, regular and correct for your body. This concerns not only the usefulness of food, but also its quantity.

    The exact amount of calories you need to consume to gain weight, depends on factors such as metabolism, heredity, weight, age, gender, lifestyle and so on. You can calculate it in a special application or in an online calculator on the Internet. For example, .

    But you must remember: if you want to gain weight, you need to consume more calories than your body burns during the day. If you are a man, then add at least 250 additional calories per day to the required amount of calories, and if a woman – 125.

    You should not consume calories significantly in excess of the norm, so as not to gain excess fat. We need to build muscles and gain weight precisely at their expense.

    3. Eat 3-5 times a day

    This includes 3 main meals and 2 snacks. If desired, you can arrange more snacks. Main meals typically consist of breakfast, lunch and dinner, which should include proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

    Let's figure it out in order.


    To gain weight and maintain what has already been gained, the diet should contain 1.6 g - 1.8 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight.

    Protein is mostly found in these foods:

    • Cottage cheese
    • Milk (skimmed)
    • Yoghurts (unsweetened)
    • Chicken breast
    • Meat (low-fat beef and pork, turkey)
    • Beans
    • Nuts
    • Brown rice
    • Sprouted wheat
    • Green peas and so on


    Give priority to complex carbohydrates in your diet. These are mainly vegetables and fruits. They give a feeling of fullness, are rich in useful minerals and vitamins, and therefore are good for health.

    In order to gain weight, you need to consume 4-6 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of weight per day.

    Carbohydrates are simple, complex and insoluble (fiber).

    A) Simple carbohydrates: They give a feeling of fullness, but are not beneficial for the body.

    • White bread
    • White rice
    • Cakes, sweets
    • Cookie
    • Pies

    b) Complex carbohydrates: are beneficial to the body in the right quantities, so give preference to complex carbohydrates. These include:

    • Vegetables
    • Fruits
    • Berries
    • Brown rice
    • Oatmeal
    • Whole wheat bread
    • Potato

    c) Fiber


    • Nuts
    • Dark chocolate
    • Avocado
    • Oil (butter, olive)
    • Yogurt (low-fat)
    • Cottage cheese (low-fat)

    But you don't need to consume these products thoughtlessly. To understand how much protein, fat and carbohydrates your body needs to get better and maintain the desired shape, you need to calculate KBZHU (Calories, Proteins, Fats, Carbohydrates).

    KBZHU is needed in order to adhere to a balanced and healthy diet and maintain your weight at normal levels. You can calculate it in the same way as the required amount of calories, that is, in an application or in an online calculator. For example, .

    As for your diet during the day, you can rely on these recommendations:

    • Breakfast: It is better to consume more complex carbohydrates in the morning than in the evening. This includes cereals, cottage cheese, boiled eggs/omelet, vegetables, fruits, whole grain bread, butter
    • Dinner and supper: In the evening, add more protein to complex carbohydrates. Meat, chicken, fish can also be eaten with potatoes, but it would be preferable to consume them with vegetables or brown rice/buckwheat. This group also includes soups.
    • Snacks: nuts, vegetables/fruits, yoghurts, kefir/ryazhenka, tofu, cottage cheese, cheese, dark chocolate, etc. (it’s also important not to overdo it with the calorie content of snacks).

    IMPORTANT! Pay attention to the calorie content of foods. Don't overdo it - extra calories will most likely help you gain weight, but who needs that at the expense of excess fat?

    What is described above is not a panacea. You can treat yourself to sweets, have fasting days, or not eat in the morning if you don’t feel like it. This will not cause your metabolism to break down and extra pounds will not appear automatically or, conversely, will not run away if, for example, you forgot/didn’t want to eat in the morning or have dinner.

    The main thing is to remember to maintain the specified caloric intake throughout the day so that weight gain still occurs and becomes noticeable.